Add natural language to Evernote's connection
Jorge Enrique
Merged in a post:
2-way sync of Evernote reminders
Denise Rebollido
If a user creates a reminder in an Evernote note, create a 2-way sync between Evernote and the user's task manager.
Jorge Enrique
Merged in a post:
Automatically adding dates to Todoist from Evernote
Carl McIver - St Willibrord's
For a date to be entered in todoist when it links a to do from Evernote. At the minute the task can be missed in todoist - even if this was just automatically todays date for it to be seen in my upcoming list it would then prompt me to ensure that I complete the task.
Hannah O.
Definately! Such a simple thing!
Jorge Enrique
Hannah O.: Hi hannah! Is this still an issue for you? At the moment, Pleexy syncs Evernote's reminder with the due date.