Basecamp Kanban Board Items to sync as Tasks
Ryan Fowler
Basecamp recently added a Kanban style board to their platform. New additions to the board are not stored the same as their regular todo lists. As such, when adding a task on the Kanban board, it doesn't sync through Pleexy. It would be great to include Kanban task items in the task sync.
Thomas Credle
This would be a fabulous enhancement. My University gets no cost licenses for Basecamp for all our no cost small business consulting, I will have 130 or more clients using the Kanban in Basecamp and if Pleexy could intergrate this functionality and I could elimiinate the buggy Zapier flow I am using it would free up over a hundred hours each year that my team would be providing trainng and business solutions for clients not data entry. This enhancement would have a significant impact!
Calvin Cheng
Yes please!