Two-way task creation between Basecamp and Microsoft To Do
Matthew Gordon
Microsoft To Do is the hub for all the various places that send me tasks. It's frequently the case that I'll need to take something a task I created in MSTODO and move it to Basecamp. It would be great if creating a task in MSTODO (or moving an existing task in MSTODO) would create a task in the corresponding Basecamp ToDo List.
My ideal layout would be
- A Basecamp Project is a folder in MSTODO
- Each Basecamp ToDo List is a "List" in that folder
- Anything added to an MSTODO List that is tracking a Basecamp ToDo List is automatically created in Basecamp
That would allow me to transfer todos simply by dragging and dropping. Currently, I have to manually recreate the task, including all related notes and files.